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Torchbearer Core Rules: A two-book set of revised, reformatted goodness. This is all you need to play the game.
We have been hard at work on a new edition of Torchbearer for over three years now. Based on the feedback we received from you and from our own campaigns and demos since we launched in 2013, we wanted to make a couple of tweaks to the game. Well, those "couple of tweaks" rapidly spiraled into a massive revision.
Check it out:
You're a scoundrel, a villain, a wastrel, a vagabond, a criminal, a sword-for-hire, a cutthroat.
Respectable people belong to guilds, the church or are born into nobility. Or barring all that, they're salt of the earth and till the land for the rest of us.
Your problem is that you're none of that. You're a third child or worse. You can't get into a guild—too many apprentices already. You're sure as hell not nobility—even if you were, your older brothers and sisters have soaked up the inheritance. If you're cursed with visions from the Immortals, the temples won't take you in. You question their authority and subvert their power, so you are outcast like the rest of us.
And if you ever entertained romantic notions of home-steading, think again. You'd end up little more than a slave to a wealthy noble.
So there's naught for you but to make your own way. There's a certain freedom to it, but it's a hard life. Cash flows out of your hands as easily as the blood from your wounds.
But at least it's your life.
And if you're lucky, smart and stubborn, you might come out on top. There's a lot of lost loot out there for the finding. And salvage law is mercifully generous. You find it, it's yours to spend, sell or keep.
A Roleplaying Game of Desperate Adventure Torchbearer is a roleplaying game of desperate adventure. The expeditions you undertake are taxing on your body, your mind and your very nature. To survive, you must carefully manage your food, water and light resources. To excel, you must fight for what you believe in. To prosper, you must fill your bags with loot and treasure.
This triumvirate of competing needs creates a delicious tension unique to Torchbearer. Players are asked to weigh these forces in every decision they make. Some may seem easy or frivolous to start, but the deeper you become enmeshed in an adventure, the heavier and more costly each decision becomes.
The system is based on our award-winning Mouse Guard roleplaying game system. Using the same core rules, character builds and conflict system, we have created a grimmer, harsher world. One that can stand the test of time, providing you with years of adventures.
The Dungeoneer's Handbook
A Scholar's Guide to Dangers Various and Sundry