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Gameplay Gameplay in Phineas and Ferb is built around the game's seven play levels. Within these are hidden a wide array of gadgets, tools, parts and devices that the brothers must collect to build their beloved roller coasters, rides, tracks and machines, while avoiding their sister Candace who is always looking to tattle on them. Players are able to switch between Phineas and Ferb at will to take advantage of special skills found in each, and the game also features several mini-games which provide fun and additional necessary skills and items.
Disney's DGamer Service Offered free with Phineas and Ferb, DGamer is Disney's online community that utilizes the Wi-Fi capabilities of your Nintendo DS to allow you to connect with other Disney gamers across North America. Through the DGamer community players can create their own identity via an avatar, chat about games, unlock unique collectibles, collect virtual currency and track leaderboard stats. You also have the ability to "gift" items collected in the game to your friends.
Key Game Features